Modern electrical engineering increasingly demands an understanding of the properties of materials. In this new book Dr. Dekker meets this demand by giving you a clear, ,vorking knowledge of those methods and models used to determ;ne the properties of materials most im.''''' tant to the electrical engineer.
His discussion brings into sharp focus the basic physical processes responsible for the properties in materials. Throughout the book, the author uses simple classical or setni-classical models to help the reader develop insight into the physical mechanisms that under lie the properties of materials. These models also provide practical exercises to ",hich you can apply your knowledge of elementary field theory.
Electrical Engineering Materials is organized so that you can concentrate separately on the dielectric, magnetic, or conductive properties of materials. The author's unusually clear presentation of these properties is supplemented with extensive background information.
Dr. Dekker's success in building a lucid and thorough presentation of the properies of materials is reflected in the commets of this enthusiastic pre-publication reviewer :
* ..Dielectric properties - ((There is an excellent discussion of the plausibility of ferroelectricity." (Chapter 2) ((I have not seen so readable a discussion before . . . or so logical an organization of the complex permittivity problem." (Chapter 3)
*..Magnetic properties-((The model of a wire loop of zero resistance is very helpful. This is the first time I have seen the analogy drawn and the value of the comparison is startling." (Chapter 4)
*.. Conductive properties-((I know of no other book which so logically presents the reason why currents in metals obey Ohm's law. For this chapter alone I would find it worthwhile to obtain a copy of this book." (Chapter 5) In the last two chapters Dr. Dekker provides an up-to-date dispssion of semiconductors and transistors. ' again the reviewer was impressed the author's presentation:
( Chapter 6) ((This is a very good qualitative discussion of semi-conductors" and Has surprising condensation of semiconductor devices, because so much is said in so little space the proof of diode potential and junction capacitance is excellent." (Chapter 7).
*.. In summary- (( . . . a real contribution to the electrical engineering education program."
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